
DarkSky not work , Wounderground no API Keys more

Opened this issue · 1 comments

We have a problem with the Sceduler:

In the Docker, when the scedule will try to make a sceduler he get an error from the api of the forecaste. There is a problem with the definition of datetime in the function of .loadHourly10day()

Can anybody help to solve the problem?
Or other solution with

App - Unhandled rejection: Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined
[2019-05-28T18:45:49.052] [ERROR] SchedulerRouter - Error: Could not load weather forecast: TypeError: Cannot read property 'dateTime' of undefined
at WeatherFactory_1.WeatherFactory.getProvider.loadHourly10day.then.catch.e (/usr/src/app/dist/Scheduler.js:60:34)

Anybody a solution? I can't get work with wounder or darksky