

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Last year my MQTT worked great and now after the winter I started the mower again and startup again my raspberry pi with command node dist/server.js

Not working. URL says LOADING...

[2020-03-15T19:45:31.700] [INFO] LandroidS - Could not finish initialization, retrying...
Mqtt url: undefined
[2020-03-15T19:45:39.166] [INFO] IoBrokerAdapter - mower 0 selected
[2020-03-15T19:46:12.183] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined
[2020-03-15T19:46:13.249] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined
[2020-03-15T19:46:14.322] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined
[2020-03-15T19:46:15.387] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined
[2020-03-15T19:46:16.452] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined
[2020-03-15T19:46:17.515] [ERROR] App - Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined

it's same issue than Update to new Worx-API

Positec(workx) changed their APi again (as almost every year) so this bridge needs to be updated, but origin programmer seems no longer being active.

I worked together with someone from a forum about mower and we (mostly he) found a way to connect to with a simple mqtt broker and simle mttw request. So I'm already able to manage my landroid again vie OpenHab. This is brand new and we are close to describe overall procedure soon in that forum.

Beside this it seems that someone is working on a OH binding.

Thanks for the reply. Let me know when is works or if needs to be tested.
I use node-red

Should be fixed now