
How to access to Custom Manager Page (CMP) ?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I try to use virtuNewsletter on my website, but I don't understand how to access to Custom Manager Page (CMP)
On the manager under MODX Revo 2.3.2, if I go to Extensions > virtuNewsletter, I have blank content (just the main Menu and Ressources tree)

Did I miss something ?

Thanks :)

Seems working to me?
Extras> virtuNewsletter


OK so there is something wrong for me :)
I have tried to remove the extension and reinstall it.
But I always have the blank content when I go to Extras> virtuNewsletter

You can see the virtuNewsletter's parameter on the URL (manager/?a=81)
The problem is still there with another browser (test done in Firefox and Chrome)

And I don't have error on the modx log file

OK problem solved !
It was a rights problem on the file system.
I had to set a chmod 755 -R /assets/components/virtunewsletter/ and it's works now :)