
Support Maplibre GL JS 4.x

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Target Use Case

Maplibre GL JS 4.0.0 was released recently. The changelog list a few things that sound like they are relevant for react-map-gl.


I thought we can use this issue to share if everything still works … and if anything needs updating now.

A list of things to look at:

I updated this small Astro Project to Maplibre v4 with the newest pmtiles and it looks like all works great

One thing that might trip some people up is the change of the loadImage function from callback to promise.

So if you're doing something like this

import { useMap } from 'react-map-gl/maplibre';

export function MapImage({ name, url, sdf }) {
   const { current: map } = useMap();

   if (!map.hasImage(name)) {
     map.loadImage(url, (error, image) => {
       if (error) {
         throw error;
       if (!map.hasImage(name)) {
         map.addImage(name, image, { sdf });
  return null;

It needs to be changed to something more like this

import { useMap } from 'react-map-gl/maplibre';

export function MapImage({ name, url, sdf }) {
   const { current: map } = useMap();

   if (!map.hasImage(name)) {
     map.loadImage(url).then(({ data }) => {
       if (!map.hasImage(name)) {
         map.addImage(name, data, { sdf });
  return null;