Pinned Repositories
Automation tool for autosys job migration in python. it takes JIL files as inputs. It can be migrate multiple autosys jobs into new machine with new host environment.
DSA Learning Series - Contest 1
We are building a database engine. Let us get started. In this first step, all we need to do is to take a user query and parse it into its component bits - what is the select part, from which file, what is the where clause etc. Keep in mind that what you get from the console is String data. You have to iterate over this data to break it up into its components, so keep those String methods and conditional statements handy. Going ahead, we will build on what you have done, construct objects and use some powerful data structures etc. But that is a few steps away. For now - simply parse a user query. In a real engine, the first thing we would do is to create an object to hold the query. Now recall that queries are quite different - after all they are user defined. They can have different structures, even though you are forcing a common language. So, for example, if there is a where clause, its contents are quite different from say a group-by clause. What we will do in this step is to bring our OO thinking to the fore and design a set of objects to hold the various parts of a query.
Datastructures and Algorithm-Java
450 DS question solution love babbar
Java8 programming example.
project tracker tool based on python script which keep tracking on developer progress.
vishalgrg's Repositories
Automation tool for autosys job migration in python. it takes JIL files as inputs. It can be migrate multiple autosys jobs into new machine with new host environment.
DSA Learning Series - Contest 1
We are building a database engine. Let us get started. In this first step, all we need to do is to take a user query and parse it into its component bits - what is the select part, from which file, what is the where clause etc. Keep in mind that what you get from the console is String data. You have to iterate over this data to break it up into its components, so keep those String methods and conditional statements handy. Going ahead, we will build on what you have done, construct objects and use some powerful data structures etc. But that is a few steps away. For now - simply parse a user query. In a real engine, the first thing we would do is to create an object to hold the query. Now recall that queries are quite different - after all they are user defined. They can have different structures, even though you are forcing a common language. So, for example, if there is a where clause, its contents are quite different from say a group-by clause. What we will do in this step is to bring our OO thinking to the fore and design a set of objects to hold the various parts of a query.
Datastructures and Algorithm-Java
450 DS question solution love babbar
Java8 programming example.
project tracker tool based on python script which keep tracking on developer progress.
DataBase basic understand with kotlin
A simple material design app intro with cool animations and a fluent API.
This repo contains all basic core java, Hibernate, Spring tutorials for beginners
This repo contains all basic core java, Hibernate, Spring tutorials for beginners - set 2