Authors: Max Willers, Tomás Philippart
This is the final result of an Offensive Technologies research project for the MSc Security and Network Engineering program of the University of Amsterdam. This is not intended to be a final product/solution to use in any productions environment whatsoever, it is simply the byproduct of research and therefore is intended to use as so.
flowchart LR
subgraph sandbox_VM
ransomware --> network_hook & filesystem_hooks & crypto_hooks
subgraph host_kernel
network_hook & filesystem_hooks & crypto_hooks --> ebpf_c
subgraph host_userland
ebpf_c -- events --> ebpf_python
ebpf_python -- patterns + config --> ebpf_c
ebpf_python --> machine_learning
flowchart LR
A(event) --> B(compute stats <br/>per pid)
B --> C(detect event pattern <br/>and threshold counts)
X(python) -. patterns + config .-> C
C --> D{report event?}
D -- yes --> E(submit event <br/>to ring buffer) -->F(end)
D -- no --> F
- UNVEIL: A Large-Scale, Automated Approach to Detecting Ransomware
- Toward A Network-Assisted Approach for Effective Ransomware Detection
- Software-Defined Networking-based Crypto Ransomware Detection Using HTTP Traffic Characteristics
- Ransomware Detection and Classification Strategies
- Ransomware Detection techniques in the Dawn of Artificial Intelligence: A Survey
- PayBreak: Defense Against Cryptographic Ransomware
- Checking yourcryptography usage with eBPF (redhat, devconf 2020)
- A Multi-Classifier Network-based Crypto Ransomware Detection System: A Casestudy of Locky Ransomware
- A flow-based IDS using Machine Learning in eBPF
- Kernel-level tracing for detecting stegomalware and covert channels in Linux environments
- CryptoLock (and Drop It): Stopping Ransomware Attacks on User Data
- (see yara rule)