
Would be great if we can have option to list merge requests

hamxabaig opened this issue · 4 comments

It'd be great to show open merge requests assigned to the user, or an option to list all of them currently opened.
gitlab-cli list-merge-request open or gitlab-cli list-merge-request assigned something like this.
What are your thoughts on it ? Happy to provide PR for this. 🎉

List merge request on the command line? We already have a command open-merge-requests, which opens web page of merge requests. Will it make more sense to add options to that command?

@vishwanatharondekar Yes, we can use that. Gitlab adds filters in the URL so we can use it i think.

@hamxabaig have added options -a and -s to open-merge-request command. You can give it a try when you have time.

@vishwanatharondekar works pretty well 🎉 Thanks