
[question] Publish as npm module

vishwanatharondekar opened this issue · 6 comments

[question] Publish as npm module

@beckje01 @mathroc. I didn't do this yet because I couldn't find a good name which is not already taken at npm registry.

Names already taken

  1. gitlab-cli
  2. cli-gitlab
  3. gitlab
  4. lab-cli

Given above, do you have any good suggestion on which name I can publish this so installing is clean and easy.

One that comes to my mind which is available is glab-cli. Might even add glab-cli as command along with current command.

what about starting with git- (and the binary too) so that it can be called as git command (eg: git lab create-merge-request)

so I'm suggesting:

  • git-lab
  • git-glab
  • git-gl

gitlab-hub since this i based on hub?

@mathroc Thanks for suggestion. Got to know something new. We can expose our command as a subcommand to git.

Unfortunately git-lab is also taken on npm registry. Happened only last month I guess.

How about git-lab-cli and then exposing only lab or lab-cli as command. So following works.

git lab create-merge-request


git lab-cli create-merge-request

@beckje01 Thanks for the suggestion, but I will not want to add hub to the name. I don't think we need it in the name. A note in the readme is enough I guess.

👍 for git-lab-cli as the package name & git-lab as the binary command (I don't think cli is useful there)

Took me almost a year to get this done. Better late than never. Find here