How to get 3712 training images of KITTI dataset?
anhtuanhsgs opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello, your work is great! I am trying to compare our method with your work.
I tried to compare our method with your results. The problem is that I can only find the official KITTI dataset with 200 images for train set and 200 images for test test.
Could you please show me how get 3712 images for training, 144 images for validation and 120 images for testing of KITTI dataset?
Hi @anhtuanhsgs,
the annotations come from older works of [1,2,3]. You can download them from their project websites. For convenience, here is link to the complete data (images, labels and splits).
[1] Zhang et al. Instance-Level Segmentation for Autonomous Driving with Deep Densely Connected MRFs. ICCV 2015.
[2] Chen et al. Beat the MTurkers: Automatic Image Labeling from Weak 3D Supervision. CVPR 2014.
[3] Uhrig et al. Pixel-level Encoding and Depth Layering for Instance-level Semantic Labeling. GCPR 2016.
Thank you very much!