
Invalid MEX-file

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using visual studio 2015 and Matlab R2015a 64bit. It was succeeded while running compile_win command, however, I got the following error when I try to run demo file.

Invalid MEX-file 'D:\Dhiren\UOVOS\externals\MBS-master\MBS.mexw64': 找不到指定的模块。

Error in doMBS (line 47)
dMap = MBS(Ir, param.use_lab, param.remove_border, param.use_geodesic);

Error in demo (line 19)
[pMap1, dMap1] = doMBS(I, paramMB);

It would be easy to figure out if you provide the version of your Matlab and Visual Studio that you used?


Sorry for the late reply, because I did not check the github in last months.
The code was run on the Ubuntu 16.04 environment. I did not test it on Windows (without visual studio 2015).
The original implementation of MBS is from:
Hope this can help you.