
Any other ways to download the dataset quicker?

iFighting opened this issue · 6 comments

Is there any other ways to download the dataset quicker?
the download speed is too slow...
about 60k/s

Dang, that is pretty slow. A few options:

  • I can put the dataset on a bittorrent
  • I can distribute the dataset across a few regions of AWS or GCP.

Let me talk with the team and I'll let you know.

Update: we are creating another download link, should be available soon.


Added an alternate download link (186 GB) to the README. Its below the original link.

We also created a small sample download that contains images from 3 randomly chosen categories from the 13 super categories, available here (1 GB). You can use this to get a sense for the types of images in the dataset.

Thanks for checking out the dataset! Let me know if there are still issues.

Needed to change the alternate download link to here (186GB)

Alternate links for different parts of the world:
* North America [186GB]
* Asia [186GB]
* Europe [186GB]

thanks, i have download the dataset already...i have also trained a baseline model for fine-grained image classification.