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Primary LanguageTypeScript

FullStack Typescript App(not sure what to name this)

currently being patched...

Front End Layer

Would need this



  • yarn run build:watch 1st window
  • yarn start 2nd window

Tech Stack

  • Docker
  • React(tsx) (some React Hooks)
  • TypeScript
  • Redux
  • Redux Saga
  • Sequelize
  • Pusher


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For executing Docker(have your env variables set up)

  • docker exec -it database psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE elitypescript"

  • docker-compose up --build --force-recreate


username: Caesar password: fish123

Docker notes on postgres(so i wont everr have to go through the pain of setting this up again lol)

Once docker-compose up is running do docker ps from here you should see container ids. Find the container id for the postgres database or service name in my case its called "database". That container id will be used for the following instructions

some helpful notes

docker logs container id

Docker Stuff