
Changes in break gotools/oracle

NHOrus opened this issue · 3 comments

Commit b28839e4bdc90af193b3e38f473e5f9175158b41 in said introduced incompatible changes in API of tools/oracle

Before changes function signature was
func Query(args []string, mode, pos string, ptalog io.Writer, buildContext *build.Context, reflection bool) and after them it's func Run(q *Query) error with type Query mapped to arguments of func Query as follow:

    Mode:            mode,
    Pos:             pos, //oraclePos
    Build:           buildContext, // &build.Default,
    Scope:           args,
    PTALog:          ptalog, //nil,
    Reflection:      reflection, //oracleReflect,

with Serial and WriteTo being applied to Query, not Result.

Path is to follow.

Also, fix for error ./oracle.go:33: cannot use runOracle (type func(*command.Command, []string)) as type func(*command.Command, []string) error in field value would be also included

Made an error, fix is in pull request #3

Relevant thing was closed.