
Support of RPM-based distros (Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE, etc)

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Please, add support of RPM-based distros (Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE, etc) to make users of RPM-based distros also have possibility to build Bitscount successfully:

k_mikhail@linux-mk500:~/bitscout> ./ 
Welcome to bitscout 2.0 builder!
It seems that you are at fresh build environment.
We need to populate the config with some essential data.
Please answer the following questions or put your existing build config to config/bitscout-build.conf.
Proceed with interactive settings? [Y/n]: Y
bitscout may be built to be compact or normal.
Please choose option number:
 1. compact - minimal size, less tools and drivers. <260Mb
 2. normal - includes most common forensic tools,drivers,etc. <350Mb
 3. maximal - includes maximum of forensic tools and frameworks. <750Mb
 Your choice (1|2|3): 2
To use bitscout remotely you will need a VPN server.
Please enter your designated VPN server hostname/IP:
Please enter your designated VPN server protocol (udp/tcp): tcp
Please enter your designated VPN server port: 1194
Saving configuration..
Checking requirements..
which: no dpkg-query in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games)
dpkg is required to continue. Please install manually.

k_mikhail@linux-mk500:~/bitscout> cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="openSUSE Leap"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 42.2"


Hi! Thanks for this idea! It may require full fork of the project unless you see an elegant way to handle both types of packaging systems.

We got deep into debootstrap and apt package management right now and so far currently strongly depend on Debian-based environment. I think there won't be easy chance to have a universal code that runs on both environments. This shall be a separate project written almost from scratch. Unless you want to fork and start this project I can't help here. If you have thoughts, please share. If not, I suggest to close this issue for now.

OK, no problem to be closed. Thanks!