
VPN alternatives

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I was looking for a small bootable Linux distro for remote support/assistance, and the closest I found is bitscout.

VPN requires your own server, which is a burden for occasional non-professional use-case. I propose using Tor with static (or auto generated) Hidden Service pointing to SSH port. This way you don't need to maintain your own VPN infrastructure yet still can connect over NAT.
In case of automatic Hidden Service generation, the image may also send email with Hidden Service address using embedded SMTP credentials to the expert.

Hi! That's a great idea. Noted and added into todo list for the future releases.

Btw, added support of Wireguard not long ago. Hidden Service is still in the todo list.

Take a look at my Maybe that would be more convenient.

Also check

ssh # the password is 'segfault'

It automatically configures Tor Hidden Service for SSH, as well as SSH over Gsocket

Sources here:

I finally made my own, take a look, maybe you'll find some of the ideas useful: