
Unable to boot using bootable USB

nkl0x55 opened this issue · 4 comments


Thanks for this project.
Manage to create the ISO using a Ubuntu Live.

Subsequently create a bootable USB but was unable to boot from it.

Thanks for submitting this bug. We didn't have time to properly test it on real USB. We got a fix and will release it on Github soon. Testing the fix now.

Can you try current latest version? It shall build bootable hybrid USB/CD ISO image. You can transfer it to USB drive on linux with the following command:
sudo dd if=./bitscout-16.04.iso of=/dev/sdX
where /dev/sdX is your USB device. Careful with this command! Do not wipe your hdd accidentally!

This issue shall be closed by 2f02b0a


Apologies for the late reply.
Had tested, it's working.
