
Question: Is it possible to use pg.helpers.ColumnSet to skip updating value based on column's new value

rakeshriv opened this issue · 0 comments


I have a requirement where I want to skip updating the column's value if after the update its value goes below 0. I tried looking up pg-promise's documentation but haven't found anything which serves my purpose. Basically I would want to do something like below (I know that the 'skip' part is incorrect but just posting here for clarifying my requirement).

const decrementQuotaColumnSet = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet([
        name: 'remaining_quota',
        skip(col: any) {
            return 'remaining_quota -' + col.value < 0
        init(col: any) {
            return 'remaining_quota - ' + col.value
        mod: ':raw'
    { name: 'updated_at', def: }
], { table: 'user_sms_fup' })


Version of pg-promise: 11.2.0
Version of Node.js: v16