
How to remove geeknote from my mac?

zyqhi opened this issue · 5 comments

zyqhi commented

I have installed geeknote, but I can not figure out how to remove it from my Mac,I can find nothing about the uninstallation.

zyqhi commented

Who can give me some ideas?

How did you install it?

Try it:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/geeknote-0.2a-py2.7.egg /usr/local/bin/geeknote /usr/local/bin/gnsync

Why not just add an uninstall or remove cmd to the in addition to the install and build that are there?

I am on fedora 22. For anyone searching for how to remove it, it's probably the same on a Debian based systems.
The command to remove the folders/files is: sudo rm -rf ~/.geeknote /usr/bin/geeknote /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/geeknote-* /usr/bin/gnsync
Remember to remove the folder where you gloned the git repo into.