
APNS/GCM module for Prosody XMPP server

Primary LanguageLua


Apple Push Notifications and Google Cloud Messaging module for Prosody

Requirements and installation

  1. LuaPack module for Lua
  2. Prosody
  3. mod_smacks
  4. smacks_hibernation_time should be set much higher than default value, e.g. 86400 (session will stay 24 hours)
  5. patch for mod_smacks:
--- mod_smacks.lua.orig 2015-05-19 10:50:08 +0300
+++ mod_smacks.lua      2015-05-19 10:58:00 +0300
@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@
                queue[#queue+1] = cached_stanza;
                session.log("debug", "#queue = %d", #queue);
                if session.hibernating then
+                       if stanza.name == "message" and stanza:get_child("body") ~= nil then
+                               module:fire_event("smacks-message", {origin = session, stanza = stanza});
+                       end
                        session.log("debug", "hibernating, stanza queued");
                        return ""; -- Hack to make session.send() not return nil

Configuration parameters

gcm_api_key - Google Cloud Messaging key for your Android application (you should generate it in Google API Console)

apn_key_file and apn_certificate - APNS key and certificate for your iOS application


Determining server support

When server have mod_smacks_notifications enabled it will advertise http://sawim.ru/notifications#gcm and http://sawim.ru/notifications#apn features:

C: <iq type="get" id="123456">
C: <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"/>
C: </iq>
S: <iq type="result" id="123456">
S: [...]
S: <feature var="http://sawim.ru/notifications#gcm"/>
S: <feature var="http://sawim.ru/notifications#apn"/>
S: [...]
S: </iq>

Of course, server and client should also supports Stream Management protocol and it must be enabled in the client session before it can enable push notifications

Registering device for receiving notifications

Android client must send deviceid received when he register Cloud Messaging session

C: <iq id="234567" type="set">
C: <register xmlns="http://sawim.ru/notifications#gcm" 
C: regid="{your_device_id}"/>
C: </iq>

And iOS client must send similar device token received when he registered APNS notifications

C: <iq id="234567" type="set">
C: <register xmlns="http://sawim.ru/notifications#apn"
C: token="{device_token_hex}"/>
C: </iq>


User may want to filter events to receive. At now you can select groupchat, roster or off:

C: <iq id="234567" type="set">
C: <register [...]>
C: <prefs default="roster" />
C: </register>
C: </iq>

In this case user will receive only roster messages. You can also temporarily disable notifications with prefs="off" or completely unregister device

C: <iq id="345678" type="set">
C: <unregister xmlns="http://sawim.ru/notifications#gcm" />
C: </iq>

In all cases you must receive result or error from server in reply to each query:

S: <iq id="345678" type="result" />