VS2019 Add-in. Click on any method or class to see what .NET Core's JIT generates for them (ASM).
The Add-in targets .NET Core contributors so it assumes you already have CoreCLR local repo. If you don't have it, the steps to obtain and configure it are:
git clone git@github.com:dotnet/coreclr.git
cd coreclr
build release skiptests
build debug skiptests
We have to build it twice because we need mostly release files and a debug version of clrjit.dll
For more details visit viewing-jit-dumps.md.
The Add-in basically follows steps mentioned in the doc above:
dotnet restore
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release
set COMPlus_JitDisasm=%method%
In order to be able to disasm any method (even unused) the add-in injects a small line to the app's Main()
However, you can use BenchmarkDotNet-style disassembler without any local CoreCLR, just enable it in "Settings/Use BDN disasm".
Known Issues
- Only .NET Core Console applications are supported
- I only tested it for .NET Core 3.0 apps
- Multi-target projects are not supported
- Generic methods are not supported
- Resharper hides Roslyn actions by default (Uncheck "Do not show Visual Studio Light Bulb").
3rd party dependencies
- MvvmLight (MIT)
- AvalonEdit (MIT)
- BenchmarkDotNet (MIT)
- ObjectLayoutInspector (MIT)