
Gvite is syncing, but very slowly, like 15blocks/sec. What can I do to improve?

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I have a 16G swap file for mem, 1 core xeon, and 30gb of storage on aws.

the bandwidth should be enough.

But its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow!, also, after a while, (i dont know what happenes), on the Full Node stats page on, it says the block prop latency iis like 2 million ms. I end up having to restart my whole node, and its just not good. I have it running off of tmux, which makes it so you can run it while the ssh window is closed. Is there another way to do this?

But its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow!, also, after a while, (i dont know what happenes), on the Full Node stats page on, it says the block prop latency iis like 2 million ms. I end up having to restart my whole node, and its just not good. I have it running off of tmux, which makes it so you can run it while the ssh window is closed. Is there another way to do this?

You can cd your log directory, usually is ~/.gvite/testdata/runlog on linux.
Then choose the date named log directory, input the command grep -i "elapse" vite.log on terminal.
The output on terminal will show download time for sync, like following:

t=2019-03-19T13:51:52+0800 lvl=info msg="download <file subgraph_921601_925200> from elapse 3.181576073s" module=net/fileClient
t=2019-03-19T13:52:05+0800 lvl=info msg="download <file subgraph_925201_928800> from elapse 5.773482438s" module=net/fileClient

Some old log files maybe compressed, you can uncompress them by command gzip -d *.log.gz first.

The gap between file download is the handle the file downloaded, eg. extract blocks, verify, and insert to the Chain.

Please present the log info.