
bugfix yes

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Some necessary information can help use handle your issue quickly.

  • OS

  • Hardware (CPU info and Memory size)

  • gvite version

  • peer` number, can get from this API

  • Startup log, is in file gvite.log, usually in the same directory which gvite belongs.

    Command grep -i "error" gvite.log can find the startup error. If the output is not null, then paste it into this issue.

  • Runtime log, runtime log directory will be printed into gvite.log when gvite start.

    1. You can find it by input grep -i "NodeServer.DataDir" gvite.log on your terminal. eg. the terminal output:
    t=2019-02-27T15:17:41+0800 lvl=info msg=NodeServer.DataDir:/root/.gvite/testdata module=gvite/node_manager
    1. The log directory is /root/.gvite/testdata/runlog. Every startup will create a directory named by Date. eg.
    2019-03-19T13-20  2019-03-21T22-52  2019-03-22T10-36 
    1. Go into the latest directory, fileList maybe like following:
    error  vite-2019-03-22T10-57-22.797.log.gz  vite-2019-03-22T11-25-25.901.log.gz  vite.log

    Some log files are compressed, decompress them by gzip -d *.log.gz.

    1. You can grep the keyword in logfile, eg. "download" is about sync file download. grep -i "download" vite.log will show:
    t=2019-03-22T11:25:31+0800 lvl=info msg="download <file subgraph_2581201_2584800> from elapse 7.846745653s" module=net/fileClient
    t=2019-03-22T11:25:38+0800 lvl=info msg="begin download <file subgraph_2584801_2588400> from" module=net/fileClient
    t=2019-03-22T11:25:47+0800 lvl=info msg="download <file subgraph_2584801_2588400> from elapse 8.800968866s" module=net/fileClient
    t=2019-03-22T11:25:51+0800 lvl=info msg="begin download <file subgraph_2588401_2592000> from" module=net/fileClient
    t=2019-03-22T11:26:02+0800 lvl=info msg="download <file subgraph_2588401_2592000> from elapse 11.184523779s" module=net/fileClient
    t=2019-03-22T11:26:05+0800 lvl=info msg="begin download <file subgraph_2592001_2595600> from" module=net/fileClient
    t=2019-03-22T11:26:11+0800 lvl=info msg="download <file subgraph_2592001_2595600> from elapse 6.579606422s" module=net/fileClient
    1. Tail the error/vite.error.log.

    2. Paste the log info get by previous step4 and step5 into this issue.
