
Minimal "package manager" (wget + unzip to c:\pkg)

Primary LanguageGo

zippim: the trivial package manager


All Windows "package management" should do is downloading a zip file, unzipping it somewhere and making the executables available in PATH.

Subsequently, all that "windows packaging" should entail is creating a zip file with the application and uploading it somewhere. If your application can work with this approach, Chocolatey is drastic overkill.

This is the disease; zippim is the cure.


Zippim is a Go application (read: single .exe with no dependencies).

  • Fetch the archive to c:\pkg\_download
  • Unzip it to c:\pkg$PACKAGE_NAME (where $PACKAGE_NAME is derived from the file name or specified at command line)
  • Scan the unpacked archive for .exe files and create .cmd launchers to c:\pkg\bin


  • Create c:\pkg\bin, add it to the path and download zippim.exe there
  • Run the command (this downloads SciTE):
$ zippim get http://www.scintilla.org/wscite366.zip

If you don't like the "wscite366" directory name, specify the desired name on command line:

$ zippim get --name scite http://www.scintilla.org/wscite366.zip

Downloading http://www.scintilla.org/wscite366.zip
Launcher to: C:\pkg\scite\wscite\SciTE.exe

Status: works fine.

To upgrade, just use zippim itself, e.g.

zippim get https://github.com/vivainio/zippim/releases/download/v0.2/zippim.exe

Note how you can download .exe files directly. They get placed directly to c:\pkg\bin

License: MIT