
Read from STDIN, STDOUT and from URL

vishnus opened this issue · 4 comments

Should be possible to pass CSV/JSON data in STDIN or read from STDOUT of another command or from URL download. This helps in visualizing JSON or CSV responses

chfw commented

You can try this:

$ pyexcel transcode --sheet-index 0 goog.sortable.html

and what you will need is:

$ pip install pyexcel pyexcel-cli pyexcel-sortable

pyexcel-sortable wraps csvtotable to pyexcel.

chfw commented

And you can do from stdin too:

curl -L | pyexcel transcode --sheet-index 0 --source-file-type csv - goog2.sortable.html

What's more, you can render xls, xlsx and ods using csvtotable as well:

$ pyexcel transcode --sheet-index 0 goog.ods.sortable.html
$ pyexcel transcode --sheet-index 0 goog.xls.sortable.html

if you would install:

$ pip install pyexcel-xls
$ pip install pyexcel-odsr
chfw commented

Finally for stdout:

$ curl -L | pyexcel transcode --sheet-index 0 --source-file-type csv --output-file-type 'sortable.html' - -

hi I tried to install and run but always an error invalid value input file