
Wrong size of fontawesome icons when printed from within the battery2 blocklet script?

Aster89 opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected behavior

Fontawesome icon of the correct size, just like it appears in the i3bar if a useless blocklet like the following is used (the icon fa-plug [] from fontawesome).

command=echo 

Actual behavior

The icon looks smaller in the battery2 blocklet, where the icon code is coded in the script, and it appears the same small size as it appears in the same text file I've pasted above when I edit it in Vim. So I think maybe the issue is with my system and how it differently renders the icons in the terminal and in the i3bar?

i3blocks config relevant to blocklet(s)


Output of blocklet(s) when run from command line

<span font='FontAwesome'></span> <span color="#FFFFFF">100%</span>
<span font='FontAwesome'></span> <span color="#FFFFFF">100%</span>

here the size of the icon, as printed in the terminal is the same that I see everywhere in the terminal. It is the size (a bit tiny) of this icon character when I paste it in a text file.

Output of any relevant other commands that might help diagnostics

When I use the following blocklet the icon corresponding to label appears of the correct size in the i3bar, but the same icon printed by the script is smaller, the same size as the icon always appear in the text editor.
