
Dunst blocklet no longer working (removed API)

RuijieYu opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected behavior

Clicking on dunst blocklet icon should toggle between mute/unmute.

Actual behavior

Dunst notifies of removed feature.

i3blocks config relevant to blocklet(s)

Default from blocklet.

Output of blocklet(s) when run from command line

{"full_text": "<span font='Font Awesome 5 Free Solid' color='#A4B98E'>\uf0f3</span>", "DUNST_MUTE": "off"}

Output of any relevant other commands that might help diagnostics

Rough output from dunst (hand-typed):

DUNST_COMMAND_* removed. Switch to dunstctl. Refer to

Dunst version:

Dunst - A customizable and lightweight notification-daemon 1.6.1 (2021-02-21)