Claim delay question
sa-larios22 opened this issue · 5 comments
The bot seems to work perfectly, however it seems to stop working after leaving it on for some time, if I encounter this issue again I'll create a new issue regarding this.
I have a question about the delay between the detection time and reaction time, I have currently set it to 0
"claim_delay":0, "kak_delay":0,
And it claimed correctly a 400+ value character
However, the guy I stole from inmediately realized it's a bot, so I want to add claim delay, my question is, does it have to be an integer value or it can be a decimal number? I think a 0.18 sec delay time is somewhat realistic, but I'm not sure if it's valid in the JSON file
You have to delete channel data and try to repoll the mudae settings to be updated so that way your only stopped by the delay itself
So remake the channel data file and it should work? I'll try that, thank you
Also, can the claim_delay
in the JSON file be a double or it has to be an integer?