
Adding search filter returns no result

zWolfrost opened this issue · 2 comments

Adding a filter to the search function returns no result, or at least i think so. Did i at least do everything correctly?

Here is my code:
search("Change Deftones", { filter: "songs" }).then(data => console.log(data));

Here is the result.

  top_result: null,
  did_you_mean: null,
  categories: [ { title: 'Songs', filter: 'songs', results: [Array] } ],    
  continuation: 'EqgDEg9DaGFuZ2UgRGVmdG9u...',
  autocorrect: null,
  filters: [

I'm an idiot, the results are in data.categories[0].results. Hope someone got a good laugh off of this 🤦‍♂️

it's okay, and you are not an idiot :)