- 8
Feature request: Add sidebar resize capability
#48 opened by jzingler - 2
Suggestion: Set table-layout to auto
#133 opened by ColtonProvias - 6
Inconsistent title/logo
#125 opened by eyoder - 3
Wrong diacritic letter
#130 opened by OndrejIT - 5
excerpt shortcode breaks other shortcodes
#136 opened by bmansheim - 1
Accessibility compliance
#124 opened by clauded - 4
- 1
mermaid - initialize does not seem to work
#137 opened by muffmolch - 1
Request: Styling for definition lists
#132 opened by ColtonProvias - 1
- 2
Image resize no longer working
#128 opened by mdosch - 0
Tip: Use Permalink/RelPermalink instead of URL
#123 opened by bep - 2
them-[red,blue,green].css have a small issue
#122 opened by mdavids - 1
- 5
Augmenting index pages
#116 opened by zeigerpuppy - 14
Issue with relative paths
#63 opened by arg0s - 0
Menu items not appearing
#140 opened by xenophenes - 2
languages and li.html pages
#111 opened by eyoder - 0
How to execute a plugin into revealjs
#126 opened by cheucheu - 1
Meaning of "Clear History" ?
#121 opened by mdavids - 2
Where to translate the shortcode warning?
#103 opened by mdosch - 5
How to override theme.css now?
#107 opened by nzbart - 1
Credits opens in new tab, why?
#119 opened by mdavids - 2
custom-head partial not reached
#98 opened by jose-oc - 2
Can you please add support multiple tutorials?
#105 opened by toplist2048 - 6
#96 opened - 7
Syntax highlighting
#102 opened by tarpdalton - 6
Refactor main stylesheet
#45 opened by siamkreative - 0
- 2
Search highlighting makes text within Mermaid-rendered SVG diagrams disappear when matched
#112 opened by aral - 0
Make ordersectionsby = "title" case insensitive
#49 opened by jzingler - 3
Changing the highlighting style of code
#69 opened by yo80106 - 2
Bug to generate tags link
#81 opened by byzheng - 2
Add a index page for tags
#82 opened by byzheng - 0
- 1
search suggestion popup scroll with content
#94 opened by gwleclerc - 1
Summaries not being generated reliably
#108 opened by nzbart - 1
Do version releases on braking and major changes
#104 opened by Pilskalns - 2
Navigation without unique urls?
#62 opened by GeertvanHorrik - 4
- 8
baseURL in subdirectory causes 404 on clippy.svg
#83 opened by barthoda - 4
show page toc at top of the page
#60 opened by muffmolch - 6
- 2
Left menu is broken since PR #67
#68 opened by gwleclerc - 13
- 5
Naming a page button result in wrong display
#55 opened by MangelMaxime - 1
About Images documentation is blank
#50 opened by tblom - 0
"Page 1 on 3" should actually be "Page 1 of 3"
#54 opened by pepc - 0
Failed to build
#52 opened by razonyang - 3
Open external links in new window
#47 opened by vielmetti