Id on Entity class should be private.
xavierjohn opened this issue · 3 comments
It is normal for domain entity class to not have an Id so making Id public exposes a property that makes no sense to the domain.
Example. StudentNumber is the key for Student entity. It makes sense to declare the class as
class Student:Entity
public StudentNumber;
public Name;
ctor(string studentNumber, string name) : base(studentNumber)
this.StudentNumber = studentNumber;
this.Name = name;
If this class was used for storage with EF, it will not try to persist Id, if Id was made private. Having a public Id forces all domain entities to have Id which violates the domain purity.
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This is very strange. Thanks much for letting me know, it should be working now.
Regarding Ids. Using natural Ids (such as StudentNumber) is sub-optimal. It assumes that the identity of the student is defined by their number, which it shouldn't be. An entity shouldn't be defined by any of its properties; it should be surrogate -- something that isn't tied to the real world.