
Examples in the readme do not match up

X-Trade opened this issue · 5 comments

I was running through how to set this up, most specifically the receiving part in logstash.

I noticed in your examples you set the handler's target host port to 5959, but in the example logstash configuration it is port 5000.

Additionally, it's mentioned we're sending messages to logstash using UDP, but the logstash configuration example is for a TCP input.

Is there some proper documentation aside from the readme?

What is the import of this module supposed to be called.

I am using virtualenv and I did "pip install python-logstash"
However "import logstash" statement is failing and I get an import error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "logstash_python.py", line 2, in
import logstash
ImportError: No module named logstash

@X-Trade UDP was built first, but you can use either. TCP is best for robustness.
You're right that 5000 would be more consistent with the config recommendations, use that in your setup.
Apart from the readme, other's previous questions in these issues was helpful for me getting started.

@X-Trade, readme is updated here: #43. The request is merged.

@virajh, please make sure that your virtual environment is activated. See example: https://github.com/vklochan/python-logstash.