
Please document that the project is not using semantic versioning.

exhuma opened this issue · 2 comments

Given that this is a utility library, it would make sense to follow semantic versioning.

In fact, the change in 0.4.6 (renaming field names) changed the external API. We mistakenly believed that python-logstash would follow semantic versioning and pinned our dependencies using python-logstash >= 0.4.2, <1.0 so the 0.4.6 update was included in our updates.

This has now created a bunch of entries in our ELK stack with the wrong field names and our visualisations now show incorrect information. And this was only noticed by pure chance.

It would be nice if the versioning scheme used in python-logstash would be documented so nobody else falsely assumes that this is semver.

Valid comment. It will be reviewed on the next update. Thanks.

For now, I close this issue.

Awesome. Thank you.