
JS Alert causes WebView to freeze

lExplLicit opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, first of all, thanks for this wonderful extension.

i am experiencing a problem, that whenever my web application calls an JS Alert, the WebView completely freezes.
Even when using the function blocks OnJsAlert & DismissJsAlert like in the screenshot below, i need to completely close the app to continue using the browser.


According to https://community.appinventor.mit.edu/t/alert-function-custom-webview/61882/10 and other forum posts, i am not the only one with this issue.

ADB is not very helpful (i think):


Would be great if this issue could easily be fixed. Thanks!

For some unknown reason, dismissing JS alert immediately doesn't work.
Instead if you show a notifier message to the user and then dismiss, it'll work fine.
Please have a look:

Thanks! This workaround works perfectly:


I first tried with a "Message Dialog" which does not work. Using "Choose Dialog" does.

Issue closed.