
Textile support

Closed this issue · 6 comments

What do you mean by Textile support? Most basic table isn't working properly.

|_. header1  |_. header2 |
| x  | y |


| _. header1  | _. header2 |
| x           | y          |

and it's wrong, because of a space before "_.". With that space it's not recognized as a header anymore.

I won't mention more advanced tables:

|_. h1    |_. h2 |
|/2. row | x      |
| y |

and it Tables Editor will generate

| _. h1    | _. h2 |
|/2. row   | x     |
|          | y     |

what is completely different from what you expect. You can check the code below in http://borgar.github.com/textile-js/

h1. Input

|_. h1|_. h2|
|/2. row|x|

h1. Tables editor output after TAB

| _. h1   | _. h2 |
|/2. row  | x     |
|         | y     |

I've just checked out newest version from github and it WORKS. I don't know why package from Pakcages Installer didnt.

Other than "_." control characters still don't work.

|\2. Header 1 long for 2 cells |
| cell1 | cell 2|

After TAB

| \2. Header 1  long for 2 cells |        |
| cell1                          | cell 2 |

It can't be formatted properly by textile and it's not what it should be, because TableEditor adds another '|' inside first row.

Maybe TableEditor should treat all characters between '_' and '.' as part of control word?

regex for alignments and row/cell spans: "_.[0-9><=^~/]*."

There can be also something like this:

|{background:#ddd} Cell |

and probably more sophisticated styles

Thanks for feedback. The link http://borgar.github.com/textile-js/ is very useful for me.

You are right, Table Editor 1.1.1 doesn't supports Textile Tables. But I just released Table Editor 1.2.0 and now some features from Textile tables work. That the reason why when you get Table Editor from git you observed this limited support. Currently Table Editor supports next subset of textile tables

|_. attribute list |
|<. align left |
|>. align right|
|=. center |
|<>. justify |
|^. valign top |
|~. bottom |


+1 Support for column and row spanning in Textile would make this plugin far more useful.

Colspan and rowspan works in branch master, but it is not well tested. When I will release version 1.4 it will be available with Package Control. You can try this feature if install Table Editor from master branch

Inside the Packages directory, clone the SublimeTableEditor repository using the command below:
git clone https://github.com/vkocubinsky/SublimeTableEditor.git "Table Editor"

Version 1.4.0 supports rowspan and colspan in alpha status. #27 will be implement in next release. Please try and get me feedback.
