
How to proceed with the "unmaintained" state?

Closed this issue · 7 comments


I don't like the note: "This package is no more supported. I moved to vim.", I would like to remove it.
I want to collaborate a bit, so can you make me a collaborator?
Or maybe you want to transfer the repository to another user?
But you still accept Pull requests, don't you?

I don't not accept pull request, and I have no installed Sublime to check does it work. I guess you can fork repository , rename it to something like SublimeTableEditor2 or any other, post message to sublime forum that you support this plugin. And in case if somebody make an issue or pull request I can redirect it to your repository.

Well, I would like to hold on to the current name, because than it's easier to find.
Why not transfer the repository to me? Here is the guidance. This is the easiest possibility, and no work for you with redirecting anything after that.

But when you hold on to your stars on Github and everything, I just fork it, of course.

I would like keep it as is. Anybody can fork and make his own version and publish with new name.

Can you make me a collaborator at least, in order that I can clone the Issues from your repo into mine more easier? Otherwise I will remade them by hand.

How to proceed with packagecontrol?
Can I update the repository to mine?
Or do you really want that I change the name to SublimeTableEditor2? But then there will be a SublimeTableEditor and a SublimeTableEditor2 in packagecontrol.