
Unable to activate "Showclick" & "Halo"

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I am unable to activate Showclick & Halo.
The Buttons are simply unclickable..

I am using vokoscreenNG 4.1.0 (the Flathub version) on NixOS 23.11.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-05-10 00-47-43

ShowClick and Hello are only available for full screen and area recording.
If a window recording is selected, the blue cross appears and ShowClick and Halo are deactivated.

For better usability I will change it so that the button gets a cross and is disabled.

Thank you very much for your help

Thank you for the quick reply :)

Just on thing, I tried using full screen, and activating Showclick or Halo lets my system freeze every couple of seconds..

I've already changed it
I think this is better this way.

Just on thing, I tried using full screen, and activating Showclick or Halo lets my system freeze every couple of seconds..

Please make a new bug report, otherwise this will be a mess.

Thanks for your help