Unable to record video, full screen or zone option
Opened this issue · 1 comments
PC details:
Windows 10 64Bits, Intel Core I7, 16 GB of RAM, 1TB Sata HDD, CG Nvidia GeForce GTX650
Double screens (No. 2 on the Left, No. 1 on the Right)
Problems on:
Full screen option (2 or 1):
I have sound but no video if I try to record -
Define zone option:
Only screen 2 displays the area (942x527), impossible to move the frame in screen 1 (even by changing the display 1 or 2 option in the program)
Same as for Full Screen, I have sound but no video if I try to record
It seems that the program has automatically frozen these options on “Screen 2”
(By choosing Screen1, nothing changes) “screenshot available”
I updated the CG drivers, no change.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the VokoscreenNG program (Version 4.2.0, 4.1.0 or 3.5.0) without result.
Please let me know what could be done.
With my thanks and greetings
P.S.: I am trying to record free shows or movies on NON-Paying sites.
(but with a free access code provided by the site)