
Complex numbers

sylvia43 opened this issue · 4 comments

Is this out of scope for this library? I think it would be awesome to add complex number stuff into this.

Some time ago la4j contained the Complex class. It was remove like 3-4 releases ago. I think we should focus on LA algorithms and primitives.


What if it's really good?

@anubiann00b adding complex arithmetic will extremely complicate library. However, almost always when you need complex vectors/matrices, you can easily decompose it to real and imaginary part and work with both parts separately (as I remember from LA university lessons). So, chin up and use ur brain first instead of huge tools :)

But, if you really need special complex computations, then you need your own library where each Vector<Complex> will contain inner Vector<Double> Re and Vector<Double> Im, you need to implement addition, multiplication etc operations, so you can imagine how monstrous these changes will be.

Hmm yeah... Oh well.