requirements ================== libarys installed: #apt-get install libxml2 #apt-get install "libusb-0.1-4" getting started (IRDA) ================== before using the software be sure that you have a porpper configured Irda device. You can test this by running # irdadump and place your polar watch to the transceiver. more information avaible do not install the software, just compile and execute it. (I don t have expirience with uninstalling sections in makefile, so please don t call make install or make unistall for now) configure the command line interface (cli) ================== first go to src/cli/polarhrm_config.h and edit the MYPATH value to a writable directory then run ./configure make cd src $./polarhrm s625x or $./polarhrm rs800cx NEW: $./polarhrm rcx5 note: you may get an error when building "no route to target" at the end of make command. however, check the src dir if the binaries are built. Note: the rcx5 uses a driver based on libusb. to access the device without root privelegs create a udev rule /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hid.rules SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0da4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE="0666" for details see supported functions: *)connect the watch (s625X / rs800cx / rcx5) *)transfer all sessions to the computer (s625X / rs800cx / rcx5) *)dump raw data to files (s625X / rs800cx / rcx5) *)parse all knowen data, and print them to screen (s625X / rs800cx / rcx5) *)write HRM file (s625X / rs800cx) *)write GPX file (rs800cx) to read an existing dump file run ./polarhrm s625x -r /home/thomas/praw/2011-7-22_8_46.dump or ./polarhrm rs800cx -r /path/to/dumpfile.dump ./polarhrm rcx5 -r /path/to/dumpfile.dump todos ================== *overwrite existing files setup a switch to overwrite existing files. snap in at the file creation function and force overwirte without creating a new session file number. it might be a bit difficult to identify that a session at a day is gets overwritten exactly. *make hrm dynamic make the hrm file dynamic and remove static values. *what is calculated by PPP software? it figured out that some values are stored in ppp software and calculated by ppp software such as hr minimum. *delete single sessions(s625X) deleting single sessions does not work for now. (it is a bit more complex communication watch and ppp software) see the s625x comm *limit zones and Sportzones(s625X) handle limit zones and sportzones correct. limit zones: there are 3 zones, accourding to polar hrm spec the 3rd limit zone gets used as summery. the question is, how does the exercise number and the exercise type have impact on the 3rd setting. at the watch settings it is possible to set up all 3 limits but the hrm shows 1 and 2 and 3 theresold summery so what? *create an Interface create an interface for external programms. thinking on sockets AF_UNIX, or pipes found a good tutorial not much to do, just set up a switch -i --interface for XML and don t do any additional pinting. language for communication could be xml GUI(java, gtk++, wx, python ...) pytrainer, sportstracker, goldencheetah gui windows can be found at polar4linux -> acctually have split the code to a libary and a cli so that other apps could use the lib functions. *MORE SAMPLE DATA is needed! cycling with power raw format(s625X) interval tranining (s625x) rs800cx sessions with s3 footpod test.cpp: ================== just for testing objects & code snippets Development ================== your watch is not supported by now and you want to implement it? here I wirte some ideas of the concept to add a new device: connection type: the watch uses some transfer method to get data out ouf the watch. as far as I know soniclink, IR and IRda connections have allready been implemented. (various projects) new devices use other connection type such as flowlink. (there is also a project focusing on this) polarhrm wants to bring all the different connection types and devices together and create a usful libary for gui applications. userspace drivers for irda and datalink are avaible but the class model of polarhrm gives the opportunity to add other application drivers. see the apstract driver class on the wiki I have put a list of devices that use IRDA, if you got one of this devices it takes not long to add an implemantation devices: each device has its own dir to put related source classes used for all watches are in watch folder a new device should inheritance the apstract watch class communication should be seperated from parsing parsing should result in standard watch objects for saving a hrm file it should use the watch/hrmfile class if the device requires special output it should be implemented in the hrm class with a if cause (if monitor=number) because other devices could also need this implementation in future getting data out of the watch TODO see wiki parsing data once you have a dump of raw data you can go starting the parsing the best is to do step by step. try to find if some of the allready knowen parsing funcitons work. look at bcd coded values. make small sessions that have only minor changes. eg. set HR record interval highest value. edit only one setting at once. compare the dump files with tools, and write the session parsing function. tools I use: meld (gnome), vbindiff (command line), simple helping script to show changes across serveral sessions files. #!/bin/sh ./polarhrm rs800cx -r /home/thomas/praw/rs800_session01.dump > output.txt ./polarhrm rs800cx -r /home/thomas/praw/rs800_session02.dump >> output.txt ./polarhrm rs800cx -r /home/thomas/praw/rs800_session03.dump >> output.txt cat output.txt and then call it ./|grep "?? byte 50"