
How to make events run on specific time as well

AyushKumar2019 opened this issue · 8 comments

First of all Thanks @vkurko for creating this Library,
I am using this library to run events on the calendar with some logic
so suppose the first event I run from 10th October 00:00 to 15th October 00:00 then the event will run from 10 to 15th October on the calendar ( all day: false View-DayGridMonth, plugin-[DayGrid, interaction])
If I changed the time from 00:00 to 00:01 or any other time the whole event would appear on the calendar for one more day
that means now event could be seen running from 10th October 00:01 to 15th 00:001 (but it would appear on 16th October(full day) as well, but I need it to not show the timeline for the whole day but show the event on the calendar for particular hour,
Can you suggest anything, how could I achieve this?

@vkurko , please suggest

I'm sorry I don't quite understand what the problem is. For an event not to be displayed on October 16, its end date should not be greater than 2023-10-16T00:00:00. In dayGrid view, events are not displayed by hours. There are timeGrid views for this purpose. Can you clarify what result you would like to achieve?

Thanks for replying @vkurko
what i am trying to achieve is -:

multiple events in day grid view but event could end in middle of the day ( or at any hour of the day) & another vent would start from that time

Thanks for the clarification, but unfortunately this display of events in the month view is not supported.

Thanks for replying,
I am using this library to build something for my corporate project & need to deliver it soon,
is it possible to add this feature?
as I couldn't switch to any other library at the last moment ( because I have written 100's of logic at the front end and back end using it)

@vkurko ,
is it possible to print the calender?
please suggest.

is it possible to add this feature?

Only if you do it on your own 😄 I thought maybe you could get the desired result if you control the width of the events with your additional css classes. In this case you could use the eventClassNames option and analyze the start and end dates of each event. Depending on the time value, set the appropriate css class that would shift the start and end of the event. Unfortunately I don't have a possibility to write such code for you, but I think you could try to do it.

is it possible to print the calender?

At this point in the calendar nothing has been done to make it print nicely.

I hope I can close this issue.