
Refetch events after addEvent in resourceTimeGridWeek view

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi @vkurko , thanx for the library.
When I add an event in the main timeGridWeek view, it automatically appears in view after created, but in the resourceTimeGridWeek view it creates the event but it won´t appear in screen until I refresh the page.
Is there any method or configuration I can use to make it work?
Thanx in advance.

Hi @churrezno Some code example so I can reproduce this issue would be very helpful.

This is my config:

var ec = new EventCalendar(document.getElementById('ec'), {
			view: 'timeGridWeek',
			height: 'auto',
			headerToolbar: {
				start: 'prev,next today',
				center: 'title',
				end: 'timeGridWeek resourceTimeGridWeek'
			buttonText: function (texts) {
				texts.today = 'hoy';
				texts.timeGridWeek = 'semana';
				texts.resourceTimeGridWeek = 'salas';
				return texts;
			dayHeaderFormat: {
				weekday: 'narrow',
				month: 'numeric',
				day: 'numeric',
				omitCommas: true
			resources: [
				{ id: 257, title: 'Sala 1 coworking' },
				{ id: 258, title: 'Sala 2 coworking' }
			theme: function (theme) {
				theme.hiddenScroll = '';	
				return theme;			
			//scrollTime: '09:00:00',
			events: events,
			views: {
				timeGridWeek: { pointer: true },
				resourceTimeGridWeek: { pointer: true }
			dayMaxEvents: true,
			nowIndicator: true,
			selectable: true,
			eventStartEditable: false,
			slotMinTime: '09:00:00',
			slotMaxTime: '21:00:00',
			allDaySlot: false,
			hiddenDays: [0],
			slotDuration: '00:30:00',
			selectLongPressDelay: 1,
			//slotHeight: 50,
			select: function (data) {
			eventClick: function(event) {

and to add the event:

ec.addEvent({ 'id': data.id, 'start': data.fechainicial, 'end': data.fechafinal, 'title': 'Reserva ' + data.id + ' Online', 'resourceId': data.aul_id, 'color':color, 'editable': false, 'startEditable': false, 'durationEditable': false });

I have prepared a demo where you can click on some time slot and an event with resourceId: 1 is added there. When you switch to resource view, the events are displayed. Can you reproduce the problem in this demo?

Thanx again for your time @vkurko
I´ve uploaded a video with the issue here. As you can see, I first add an event in the main view (semana) and it automatically gets added to the calendar and shows up in screen, but if I switch to the resources view (salas) it won´t show until I refresh the page. And in second place, when I add the event in the resources view, the event is created but it won´t show either, while if I switch back to the main view you can see it´s there... It´s kind of weird, I don´t understand it.
Your demo works just fine
(PS: don't mind the event colors, I have to fix something in the api that gets called)


I would double check that resourceId when adding a new event is correct.

That was it!
The api wasn't returning the right id.
Thanx very much, it was driving me nuts ;)
