
Demo does not display on iOS

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The demo https://vkurko.github.io/calendar/ does not display on iOS 15.3.1 with firefox 122, Chrome 117 and Safari.
Can not reproduce with Firefox and Chrome Desktop in responsive design mode.

IMAGE 2024-01-28 202835

Thank you for reporting. I can confirm the bug.

This is due to the unusual behavior of the Intl.DateTimeFormat.formatRange() function, which in iOS 15 unexpectedly throws an error if startDate is later than endDate. This happens with events moving on to the next day. I will try to find a solution as soon as possible.

@Toba-bonjour The problem should be fixed in v2.6.1. Please check.

Yep, it works with Firefox, Chrome and Safari in iOS 15, thanks a lot!

Great! Thank you.