
How to evaluate in remote REPL and use output in local REPL?

den1k opened this issue · 2 comments

den1k commented

This is possibly out of scope for this project but I'm curious to hear your ideas.

Concrete Example
I often use embedded databases (e.g. Datalevin). In production the way I access these from my local dev env is through a remote socket repl. So far so good. Often I want to pull some datoms or the whole DB from prod to test with locally. The way I've been doing this thus far is by scp'ing the entire prod DB onto my machine. But this can take a long time with a large DB. Often I just want part of it. Is there a way to have more of an RPC-like experience where I can run a query in the remote repl but get the output in my local repl such that I can write it to disk or transact it into another DB?

You can use clojure's built-in remote-prepl?

den1k commented

I'll explore that, thanks!