- aadrian
- agilecreativity
- bnii
- BorisKourtOrdinary Objects
- campetersonLogan, UT
- dannyobFilecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web
- Disney1Vienna
- dvlimanLos Angeles, CA
- eemailme
- fivism@ignite-analytics
- jamesnyikaVocanter LLC
- jdf-id-au
- jhemannActivision
- jjttjj@SixtantIO
- keesterbruggeamsterdam
- mjmeintjesMattsum Limited
- not-in-stockBerlin, Germany
- S-reinken
- scottdw
- SSYHeGain, Random Acts of Software, Program For The Future, Global Challenges Collaboration, Amigos, Knowledge Federation
- techpuls-damir
- trycatcher
- vault13dweller
- vlaaad@refold