
cookies file for auto-fill?

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I was recently using Ubuntu 20.04 and openconnect-sso 0.7.3 to connect to my company VPN via Okta.

openconnect-sso would save a "Cookies" file under ~/.local/share/openconnect-sso/QtWebEngine/Default. I was able to use a sqlite brower to go in and add my username such that it would always be pre-populated in the login dialog. (I was also able to set another cookie to always push the 2FA via notification)

I recently upgraded my OS to Ubuntu 22.04, and openconnect-sso 0.8.1, and the Cookies file now longer is created, near as I can tell.

As an alternative, I've tried to use the config.toml file to auto-fill, but never could get it to work with Okta. Such as:

selector = "input[name=username]"
fill = "john.doe"

I've even tried a test like this to fill in any input field, but it still doesn't work:

selector = "input[type=text]"
fill = "FOOBAR"

Trying to set the name for profile also doesn't seem to do anything.

And thoughts? Maybe the issue is with Okta not working well with this wrapper for this feature?