
Icon and logo

vladdeSV opened this issue · 22 comments

  • .klg files should have a dedicated file icon in VS Code
  • This extension should have an icon

AFAIK there are no icons for klog.

@jotaen Are there any official file icons or a logo for klog?

Wow, what is happening here? This is really amazing! 🎉 I need to reference this somewhere – will figure out a good place to link to 3rd-party utilities, e.g. from the docs. Providing syntax-highlighting is really useful (I also might add one for sublime at some point, since I personally use that for text files.)

On-topic: There is no icon yet, but I agree it would be cool to have one. I’ve created an issue in the klog repo, so that we have a place for suggestions or discussion around it.


Both VS Code and Sublime Text uses TextMate language files, so converting this to Sublime Text should not be a problem. I am pretty the snippets code can be easily converted as well.

Have linked your repo in the docs: https://klog.jotaen.net/

I am thinking something that is distinctly different from "klog the program", and something that says "vscode-klog the extension".

First draft:
icon klog draft 1

Opinions @jotaen ?

Second draft:

icon klog draft 2

The icon is visible in the README.md on branch feature/icon.

(It will always display the latest icon draft, as it's just pointing to the image in resource/)

Above icons are for the extension icon only. I have not thought about the file icons yet,

That looks very neat! I like the revision version better (i.e. more contrast, no drop shadow). Have you tried something with colours? (Just a quick sketch below)

Untitled@0 5x

The icon is slightly, very slightly, tinted blue to give a metallic look.

I will experiment a bit more with different colors.

Third draft (slightly tinted blue, update insets):

icon klog draft 3

That looks quite terrific! 🎉

Fourth draft (change border outline):

icon klog draft 4

This will most likely be the final version. Thanks for the input @jotaen 🎉

This will most likely be the final version.

Okay, that was an complete and utter lie.

Fifth draft (klog-letter has own lighting effect, changed metallic shine shape):

icon klog draft 5

I am pretty sure I will get back to changing the lighting effect again, but leaving the icon as it is for now.

Seems like there is no way to easily customize custom icons for specific file types. Just as with custom colors mentioned in #1, there seems to be no other way to specify custom file icons other than a whole new icon theme (source).

According to microsoft/vscode#14662 (comment), the icon should be added to jesseweed/seti-ui in a PR.

Haha oh god, that will probably never happen 😆

@jotaen If I submit a PR, should I use the icon for the extension, or should I use the official icon?

If the latter, I'll look into what colors might be appropriate, as pure white or black might not go well with all themes.

For the filetype itself I’d probably lean towards the “official” (simple) one then, if that’s okay with you.

Yeah, a colour would be terrific, happy to accept whatever you suggest 😸

Awesome. I think the official one would be better as well. I'll keep you updated.

Keen to see whether they’ll accept it, as the tool is pretty niche after all 😆

For funsies, here is "The Evolution of the Extension Icon":

icon klog draft 1

icon klog draft 2

icon klog draft 3

icon klog draft 4

icon klog draft 5

icon klog draft 6