IMDb List - 100 Movie Limit
Opened this issue · 11 comments
Is this limited to the first 100 movies on an IMDb list? For example, I am searching this list, and it is matching 21 movies, and prompting to add 79 to Radarr. Is there a way to get around this limit?
I tend to agree. It seems it is only capable of grabbing the first 100 movies (so page1) of a list that has more items.
I hope you can fix this. The other scripts that you refer to in your readme can grab more, but always require input, while yours can be automated which I like a lot.
Thanks for this very helpful script!
Same when adding to a collection based on genre. Processes the first 100 only
This fixes the issue for everything, sorry I am new so just posting here for anyone.
In at line 22 it should be changed to the below (initiate title_ids, define a range, I have just set to 10 pages as it will except out after that, minor change to the request.get URL to include page number and then extend the empty title_ids instead). I have tested this up to about 480 items on a list. I was also able to verify it added 200+ to radarr without issue.
title_ids = []
for i in range(1,10):
r = requests.get(imdb_url + '?page={}'.format(i), headers={'Accept-Language': library_language})
except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
title_ids.extend(tree.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]"
if title_ids:
Hi @spekta-23, I tried your fix but I keep getting Syntax errors.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in
import image_server
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 4, in
from config_tools import ImageServer
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 12, in
from plex_tools import get_actor_rkey
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 6, in
import imdb_tools
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 22
title_ids = []
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Hi @spekta-23, I tried your fix but I keep getting Syntax errors.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in
import image_server
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 4, in
from config_tools import ImageServer
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 12, in
from plex_tools import get_actor_rkey
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 6, in
import imdb_tools
File "/home/user/Plex-Auto-Collections-master/", line 22
title_ids = []
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Getting the same thing. Did you find a fix for this?
This fixes the issue for everything, sorry I am new so just posting here for anyone.
In at line 22 it should be changed to the below (initiate title_ids, define a range, I have just set to 10 pages as it will except out after that, minor change to the request.get URL to include page number and then extend the empty title_ids instead). I have tested this up to about 480 items on a list. I was also able to verify it added 200+ to radarr without issue.
title_ids = [] for i in range(1,10): try: r = requests.get(imdb_url + '?page={}'.format(i), headers={'Accept-Language': library_language}) except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: return tree = html.fromstring(r.content) title_ids.extend(tree.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]" "//a/img//@data-tconst")) if title_ids:
Can you post you entire
import re
import requests
from lxml import html
from tmdbv3api import TMDb
from tmdbv3api import Movie
from tmdbv3api import Collection
from tmdbv3api import Person
import config_tools
def imdb_get_movies(config_path, plex, data):
tmdb = TMDb()
movie = Movie()
tmdb.api_key = config_tools.TMDB(config_path).apikey
imdb_url = data
if imdb_url[-1:] == " ":
imdb_url = imdb_url[:-1]
imdb_map = {}
library_language = plex.Library.language
title_ids = []
for i in range(1,10):
r = requests.get(imdb_url + '?page={}'.format(i), headers={'Accept-Language': library_language})
except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
title_ids.extend(tree.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]"
if title_ids:
for m in plex.Library.all():
if 'themoviedb://' in m.guid:
if not tmdb.api_key == "None":
tmdb_id = m.guid.split('themoviedb://')[1].split('?')[0]
tmdbapi = movie.details(tmdb_id)
imdb_id = tmdbapi.imdb_id
imdb_id = None
elif 'imdb://' in m.guid:
imdb_id = m.guid.split('imdb://')[1].split('?')[0]
imdb_id = None
if imdb_id and imdb_id in title_ids:
imdb_map[imdb_id] = m
imdb_map[m.ratingKey] = m
matched_imbd_movies = []
missing_imdb_movies = []
for imdb_id in title_ids:
movie = imdb_map.pop(imdb_id, None)
if movie:
return matched_imbd_movies, missing_imdb_movies
def tmdb_get_movies(config_path, plex, data):
tmdb_id ='.*?(\d+)', data)
tmdb_id =
except AttributeError: # Bad URL Provided
t_movie = Movie()
tmdb = Collection()
tmdb.api_key = config_tools.TMDB(config_path).apikey # Set TMDb api key for Collection
if tmdb.api_key == "None":
raise KeyError("Invalid TMDb API Key")
t_movie.api_key = tmdb.api_key # Copy same api key to Movie
t_col = tmdb.details(tmdb_id)
t_movs = []
for tmovie in
# Create dictionary of movies and their guid
# GUIDs reference from which source Plex has pulled the metadata
p_m_map = {}
p_movies = plex.Library.all()
for m in p_movies:
guid = m.guid
if "themoviedb://" in guid:
guid = guid.split('themoviedb://')[1].split('?')[0]
elif "imdb://" in guid:
guid = guid.split('imdb://')[1].split('?')[0]
guid = "None"
p_m_map[m] = guid
matched = []
missing = []
# We want to search for a match first to limit TMDb API calls
# Too many rapid calls can cause a momentary block
# If needed in future maybe add a delay after x calls to let the limit reset
for mid in t_movs: # For each TMBd ID in TMBd Collection
match = False
for m in p_m_map: # For each movie in Plex
if "tt" not in p_m_map[m] is not "None": # If the Plex movie's guid does not start with tt
if int(p_m_map[m]) == int(mid):
match = True
if not match:
imdb_id = t_movie.details(mid).entries['imdb_id']
for m in p_m_map:
if "tt" in p_m_map[m]:
if p_m_map[m] == imdb_id:
match = True
if match:
return matched, missing
def tmdb_get_summary(config_path, data, type):
collection = Collection()
person = Person()
collection.api_key = config_tools.TMDB(config_path).apikey
person.api_key = collection.api_key
collection.language = config_tools.TMDB(config_path).language
person.language = collection.language
if type == "overview":
return collection.details(data).overview
elif type == "biography":
return person.details(data).biography
Let me know if that takes care of it for you, dont forget to use Python3.6 I had issues with that myself
Let me know if that takes care of it for you, dont forget to use Python3.6 I had issues with that myself
Would you be willing to upload your file? The formatting didn't translate over github.
Thank you!!!
Had a similar problem and managed to get @spekta-23 code to work.
Just a note though I do use MZA's fork, but I doubt this script is very different. I uploaded the here
I know this is late but this issue has been fixed in the fork mza921/Plex-Auto-Collections as well as many other improvements and bug fixes