
using 'tabs' instead of a dropdown menu in the compact view

jeroenev opened this issue · 4 comments

using tabs instead of the dropdown menu for the account switcher would improve usability in the compact view

Agreed, putting to todo list.

This is available with a new v1.2.0 release, which is on the way.

App now has 3 layout modes, full, tabs, and dropdown, with even less code than it was before:


  • New tabs view mode is a multi-row fluid thing, you can put there as many accounts as you want.
  • App activates dropdown mode automatically on the small screens.

As a bonus with the new version we also get the following improvements:

  • In full mode accounts list column has no fixed width anymore, but fluid width. So there will be no line breaking anymore.
  • Options / menu button is now always positioned in the top-left corner. So you will not be confused anymore with options button jumping across the screen in along with switching the view mode.

Thanks for highlighting a missing feature.

v1.2.0 got published.

thanks a lot for making this app
without it i'm not sure I would be using PM and Tutanota anymore