OR is missing as filter condition
edmundlaugasson opened this issue · 4 comments
This is correct. The feature request is not planned for implementing in the near future though.
The workaround is to export all the emails to EML files (in the app can be done in 2 mouse clicks), then import them to any mature mail app or EML viewer and run the search there.
For me the ONLY workaround in that case is to use ProtonMail web interface. Exporting all emails is a very bad "workaround". How is exporting emails and importing them into another email client and searching there related with email filtering, what we need in ProtonMail? IMHO it is inappropriate workaround. We need email filtering in ProtonMail and not kind of email search.
Even I change filter to OR-condition in ProtonMail webmail, Electronmail still shows that filter as AND-condition...
Of course. Partial workaround then. I understand the need but my bandwidth is limited.