
Fatal error after Updating to latest Autoprefixer

ozone1979 opened this issue · 3 comments

I get this error after updating then running the suggested short test ('a { transition: transform 1s }').

Fatal error: Uncaught AutoprefixerException: In css[0]: autoprefixer(...).process is not a function in C:\wamp64\www_modules\PHP\CSS\Autoprefixer\test\vendor\vladkens\autoprefixer\lib\Autoprefixer.php:81 Stack trace: #0 C:\wamp64\www_modules\PHP\CSS\Autoprefixer\test\index.php(8): Autoprefixer->compile(Array) #1 {main} thrown in C:\wamp64\www_modules\PHP\CSS\Autoprefixer\test\vendor\vladkens\autoprefixer\lib\Autoprefixer.php on line 81

My PR should fix this issue

You can use my repo as a composer vcs repo if you need it before it is merged (since this repo appears to be dead..)
